
  • 2025.3.7-92025化學會年會 @靜宜大學
  • 2024.9.11-14The 8th Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Jilin, China
  • 2024.7.6-11:Chemistry and Physics at Low Temperatures 2024 @ Sapporo, Japan
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Applications of para-hydrogen matrix spectroscopy”
    2. P. R. Joshi, “Identification of HOC•HC(O)NH2 intermediate in the reaction of H + glycolamide in solid para-hydrogen and its implications in astrochemistry”
    3. K.-J. Yu, “Infrared spectra of isomers of hydrogenated acenaphthylene isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
    4. I. Weber, “Electronic spectroscopy of protonated and hydrogenated coronene in solid para-hydrogen”,
  • 2024.6.17-21:77th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaign, USA
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Identification of HOC·HC(O)H, HOCH2C·O, and HOCH2CH2O· intermediates in the reaction of H + glycolaldehyde in solid para-hydrogen and its implication to interstellar formation of complex sugars”
    2. P.-J. Chen, “Electronic spectroscopy of protonated and hydrogenated quinoline isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
    3. Y.-S. Chung, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenanthridine isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
    4. Y.-L. Hsiao, “Spectral studies of the reaction of the Criegee intermediate methyl vinyl ketone oxide (MVKO) with HCOOH using a step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectrometer”
    5. T.-Y. Kuo, “Rate coefficients of syn-/anti– CH3CHOO and methacrolein oxide [macro, CH2C(CH3)CHOO ] with HCL and CH3CHI with O2 investigated with an IR/UV dual laser absorption system”
    6. I. Weber, “The missing S1 and reassingned S2 states of ovalene: Electronic spectroscopy in solid para-hydrogen”
    7. C.-K. Chen, “Electronic spectra of protonated and hydrogenated isoquinoline isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
    8. J.-Y. Fneg, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenanthrene isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
    9. C.-H. Chang, “Microwave identification of key intermediates in venus atmosphere: CLCO and CLC(O)OO”
  • 2023.11.8-10Workshop on Interstellar Matter 2023, Sapporo, Japan
    1. I. Weber, “Electronic spectroscopy of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in solid para-hydrogen”
    2. Y.-S. Chung, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenanthridine isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
  • 2023.11.5-87th Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy, Sapporo, Japan
    1. I. Weber, “The missing S1 state of ovalene: Electronic spectroscopy in solid para-hydrogen” (Jon Hougen Prize)
    2. Y.-S. Chung, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenanthridine isolated in solid para-hydrogen” (Li-Hong Xu Award (Poster))
    3. J.-Y. Hsu, “Spectral studies of the reaction of the Criegee intermediate methyl vinyl ketone oxide with HC(O)OH using a step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectrometer”
    4. K.-H. Hung, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenol isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
    5. C.-H. Chang, “Rotational spectrum of ClSO radical”
  • 2023.9.17-23:WE-Heraeus-Seminar on “Solvation Chemistry and Reactive Molecules”, Bad Honnef, Germany
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Reactive molecules investigated with para-hydrogen infrared matrix spectroscopy” (invited talk)
    2. J.-Y. Feng, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenanthrene isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
  • 2023.9.4-7:8th Asian Spectroscopy Conference, Niigata, Japan
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Spectroscopy of reactive species of importance in atmospheric chemistry and astrochemistry” (plenary talk)
  • 2023.8.10The 3rd Workshop on Frontier Investigations of Key Species in Atmospheric Chemistry and Astrochemistry @陽明交通大學
    1. T. Ebata, “Magic number observed in the mass spectra of H+(pyrazine)m (H2O)n and H+(pyridine)m (H2O)n clusters”
    2. J.-Y. Feng, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenanthrene isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
    3. I. Weber, “Electronic spectroscopy of ovalene isolated in solid para-hydrogen: Finding the missing S1 state” (Best Oral Presentation Award)
    4. C.-A. Chung, “Rate coefficient of syn-CH3CHOO with HCl and the rate coefficient of CH3CHI + O2 investigated with a quantum cascade laser system”
    5. C.-I Huang, “Structures and anharmonic analyses of the O−H stretching vibrations of jet-cooled (benzoic acid)m=1,2(H2O)n=0-2 and (benzoic acid-d5)m=1,2(H2O)n=0-2 – unraveling the complex anharmonic couplings in the cyclic clusters”
    6. M.-L. Yang, “Infrared spectra of various isomers of hydrogenated phenanthridine (HC13H9N) isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
    7. C.-K. Chen, “Electronic spectra of quinoline and isoquinoline isolated in solid para-hydrogen” (Outstanding Poster Award)
  • 2023.7.3-5:Physical Chemistry Symposium 2023 @ Bangalore, India
    1. B. Behera, “Detailed mechanism and kinetics of reactions of anti– and syn-CH3CHOO with HC(O)OH: Infrared spectra of conformers of hydroperoxyethyl formate”
  • 2023.6.19-23:76th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaign, USA
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Spectral studies of the reaction of the Criegee intermediate CH3CHOO with HCL using a step-scan Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectrometer”
    2. P. R. Joshi, “Production of Ca-alanyl radical and vinylamine in the reaction H + a-alanine in solid p-H2 and its implications in astrochemistry”
    3. I. Weber, “Electronic spectra of peri-hexabenzocoronene and ovalene isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
    4. C.-I Huang, “IR spectra of benzoic acid-water clusters in a supersonic jet using VUV ionization detection”
    5. Y.-T. Liu, “The Criegee intermediate-acetic acid reaction explored by Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy”
    6. C.-H. Chang, “Pure rotational spectra of ethoxy radical”
  • 2022.11.3-4The 6th Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Taipei, Taiwan
    1. I. Weber, “Electronic spectroscopy of PAH isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
    2. P. R. Joshi, “Production of isoquinolinium (iso-C9H7NH+) and isoquinolinyl radical (iso-C9H7NH, 1-iso-HC9H7N, and 3- to 8-iso-HC9H7N in solid para-hydrogen”
    3. B. Behera, “Infrared characterization of the intermediates and products of the reaction between methyl-substituted Criegee intermediate CH3CHOO and HC(O)OH”
    4. C.-A. Chung, “Rate coefficient of methyl vinyl ketone oxide + HCl investigated with a quantum cascade laser absorption system”
    5. J.-Y. Feng, “Infrared spectra and structures of supersonically cooled (pyrazine)2 and (pyrazine)m−(H2O)n clusters studied with IR-VUV spectroscopy”
    6. C.-I Huang, “IR spectroscopy of the C−H stretching region of mono-substituted benzenes cooled in a supersonic jet and the anharmonic analysis”
    7. C.-K. Chen, “Reaction dynamics of (CH3)2CI + O2 studied with step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy”
  • 2022.7.3-7Chemistry and Physics at Low Temperatures (CPLT 2022) @ Visegrád, Hungar (mixed)
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Applications of para-hydrogen: hydrogen-addition/hydrogen-abstraction reactions and their implications in astrochemistry” (invited talk)
    2. P. R. Joshi, A chemical link between methylamine (CH3NH2) and methylene imine (CH2NH): Infrared identification of aminomethyl radical (•CH2NH2) and implications for interstellar glycine formation
    3. J. C. Amicangelo, Infrared Spectra of the 2,3-Dihydropyrrol-2-yl and 2,3-Dihydropyrrol-3-yl Radicals Isolated in Solid para-Hydrogen
  • 2022.6.20-2475th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaing-Urbana, USA​ (mixed)
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Formation reaction mechanism and infrared spectra of Criegee intermediate antitrans-methacrolein oxide [CH2C(CH3)CHOO] and its associated precursor and adduct radicals”
    2. P. R. Joshi, “Production of •CH2NH2 and CH2NH in the reactions of methylamine (CH3NH2) with •H or •OH in solid p-H2 and its implication in astrochemistry”
    3. B. Behera, “Mechanism and kinetics of the reaction of Criegee intermediate CH2OO with acetic acid studied with a step-scan fourier-transform IR spectrometer”
  • 2021.9.9The 2nd Workshop on Frontier Investigations of Key Species in Atmospheric Chemistry and Astrochemistry @陽明交通大學
    1. C.-A. Chung, “Mid-IR spectra and kinetic studies of Criegee intermediates investigated with quantum cascade lasers coupled with a Herriott cell”
    2. P. R. Joshi, “Production of CD2NH2, CD2NH, CD2NCl, and CD2HNH2 in the reaction H + methyl amine-d3 (CD3NH2) in solid p-H2 and its implication in astrochemistry”
    3. B. Behera, “Infrared detection of CH3CHOO and CH3CHIOO intermediates in the reaction of CH3CHI + O2 and the pressure dependence of the yield of CH3CHOO”
    4. Y.-T. Ji, “Reaction dynamic of CH3CHI + O2 studied with step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy” (Outstanding Poster Award)
    5. J.-Y. Feng, “VUV Photoionization-Induced Chemical Reactions in Pyridine Clusters Revealed by IR Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry” (Outstanding Poster Award)
  • 2021.6.21-252021 International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaing-Urbana, USA​ (online)
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Infrared spectra of gaseous (Z)-3-IODO-BUT-2-EN-1-YL [C2H3C(CH3)I] radical, methyl vinyl ketone oxide [C2H3C(CH3)OO] Criegee intermediate, and C2H3CI(CH3)OO peroxy radical produced upon photodissociation of (Z)-1,3-DIIODO-BUT-2-ENE [(CH2I)HC=C(CH3)I] in oxygen”
    2. P. R. Joshi, “Production of HOCH2CO, HOCHCHO, and HOCHCO in the reaction H + glycolaldehyde (HOCH2CHO) in solid p-H2 and its implication in astrochemistry”
  • 2021.3.12-142021中國化學會年會 @中央大學​
    1. Y.-T. Ji, “Reaction dynamic of CH3CHI + O2 studied with step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy”
    2. J.-R. Cai, “Infrared absorption spectra of (CHI)C(CH3)CH2 radical and Criegee intermediate CH2C(CH3)CHOO recorded with a step-scan FTIR spectrometer”
    3. J.-Y. Feng, “Infrared spectra and structures of supersonically cooled (Pyridine)m, (Pyridine)m −(NH3)n and (Pyridine)m−(H2O)n clusters studied by IR-VUV spectroscopy”
    4. J.-H. Su, “Infrared spectra of (E)-and (Z)-3-iodo-2-methyl-1-yl [·CH2(CH3)C=CHI] radicals produced upon photodissociation of 1,3-diiodo-2-methyl-1-propene [ICH2(CH3)C=CHI] in solid para-Hydrogen”
  • 2021.3.9-10:​The 5th Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy (AWMS 2021) @同步輻射研究中心 (online)
    1. ​P. R. Joshi, “Production of ·CH2NH2, CH2NH, HCN, and CN in the reaction H + methyl amine (CH3NH2) in solid p-H2 and its implication in astrochemistry”
    2. Y.-T. Ji, “Reaction dynamic of CH3CHI + O2 studied with step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy” (Best Oral Presentation Award)
    3. B. Behera, “Mechanism and kinetics of the reaction of Criegee intermediate CH2OO with CH3COOH studied with time-resolved Fourier-transform IR spectroscopy”
    4. J.-R. Cai, “Infrared absorption spectra of (CHI)C(CH3)CH2 radical and Criegee intermediate CH2C(CH3)CHOO recorded with a step-scan FTIR spectrometer” (Poster Presentation Award)
    5. C.-A. Chung, “High-resolution vibration–rotational spectra of the CO-stretching/CH2-bending (v4) band of CH2OO between 1262.6 and 1335.1 cm–1″ (Best Oral Presentation Award)
    6. J.-Y. Feng, “Infrared spectra and structures of supersonically cooled (Pyridine)m, (Pyridine)m −(NH3)n and (Pyridine)m−(H2O)n clusters studied by IR-VUV spectroscopy”
    7. T. Ebata, “Structures of neutral and cationic clusters of pyridine studied by IR-VUV and VUV-IR spectroscopy”
    8. J.-H. Su, “Infrared spectra of (E)-and (Z)-3-iodo-2-methyl-1-yl [·CH2(CH3)C=CHI] radicals produced upon photodissociation of 1,3-diiodo-2-methyl-1-propene [ICH2(CH3)C=CHI] in solid para-Hydrogen” (Poster Presentation Award)
  • 2021.1.21The 1st Workshop on Frontier Investigations of Key Species in Atmospheric Chemistry and Astrochemistry @中央研究院 原分所
    1. Y.-P. Lee, ​”Frontier investigations of key species in atmospheric chemistry and astrochemistry” (invited talk)
    2. T. Ebata, “IR spectroscopic study of neutral and cationic clusters of pyridine in the gas phase”
    3. B. Behera, “Mechanism and kinetics of the reaction of Criegee intermediate CH2OO with CH3COOH studied with time resolved Fourier-transform IR spectroscopy”
    4. Y.-T. Ji, “Reaction dynamic of CH3CHI + O2 studied with step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy”
    5. C.-A. Chung, “Infrared spectrum and kinetics of methyl vinyl ketone oxide (MVKO) investigated with a quantum cascade laser system”
    6. J.-R. Cai, “Infrared absorption spectra of (CHI)C(CH3)CH2 radical and Criegee intermediate CH2C(CH3)CHOO recorded with a step-scan FTIR spectrometer”
    7. I. Weber, “Laser-induced fluorescence of 1-hydrogenated naphthalene (1-C10H9) in solid para-hydrogen”
    8. J.-H. Su, “Infrared spectra of (E)-and (Z)-3-iodo-2-methyl-1-yl [•CH2(CH3)C=CHI] radicals produced upon photodissociation of 1,3-diiodo-2-methyl-1-propene [ICH2(CH3)C=CHI] in solid para-Hydrogen”
    9. P. R. Joshi, “Production of •CH2NH2, CH2NH, HCN, and CN in the reaction H + methyl amine (CH3NH2) in solid p-H2 and its implication in astrochemistry” (Outstanding Poster Award)
    10. J.-Y. Feng, “Infrared spectra and structures of supersonically cooled (Pyridine)m, (Pyridine)m−(NH3)n and (Pyridine)m −(H2O)n clusters studied by IR-VUV spectroscopy” (Outstanding Poster Award)
  • 2020.8.21-222020 Summer Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy in Taiwan @台灣大學
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Spectroscopy of free radicals important in atmospheric chemistry or astrochemistry” (invited talk)
    2. P. R. Joshi, “Production of CH2COOH in the reaction H + acetic acid (CH3COOH) in solid p-H2 and its implication in astrochemistry”
    3. C.-A. Chung, “High-resolution vibration–rotational spectra of the CO-stretching/ CH2-bending (ν4) band of CH2OO between 1262.6 and 1335.1 cm–1”
  • 2019.8.26-3026th Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy @ Dijon, France
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Infrared spectra of free radicals and protonated species isolated in solid para-hydrogen”​ (plenary talk)
  • 2019.6.17-2174th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaing-Urbana, Illinois, USA​
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Infrared spectrum of (Z)-3-IODO-BUT-2-EN-1-YL [·CH2CHC(CH3)I] produced upon photodissociation of (Z)-1,3-DIIODO-BUT-2-ENE [(CH2I)HC = C(CH3)I] in solid para-hydrogen”
    2. K. A. Haupa, “Applications of H-atom quantum-diffusion reactions in solid para-hydrogen to astrochemical studies: finding a mysterious link between interstellar isocyanic acid [HNCO] and formamide [H2NC(O)H]​”​
    3. C.-A. Chung, “The reaction of CH2OO with HNO3 investigated with a step-scan FTIR spectrometer”
  • 2019.3.7-9The 3rd Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Hefei, China
    1. H.-R. Tsai, “Infrared spectra of BrC6H6 in solid p-H2″
    2. Y.-H. Tsao, “HCl formation in the reaction of Cl atom with trans-2-butene probed with step-scan time-resolved fourier-transform IR emission spectroscopy”
  • 2018.12.16-2010th Asian Photochemistry Conference @ Taipei, Taiwan
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Spectroscopy, kinetics, and dynamics of free radicals that are important in atmospheric, combustion, and astronomical chemist” (Award lecture)
    2. Y.-Y. Wang, “HCl formation in the reaction of Cl atom with propene and cis-2-butene investigated with step-scan time-resolved fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy”
    3. K. A. Haupa, “Tunneling reactions of hydrogen-atoms in solid para-hydrogen”
    4. C.-A. Chung, “The reaction of CH2OO with HNO3 investigated with a step-scan FTIR spectrometer”
  • 2018.11.14-16Workshop on Interstellar Matter 2018 (ISM2018) @ Sapporo, Japan
    1. ​Y.-P. Lee, “Infrared spectra of protonated and hydrogenated corannulene, C20H11+ and C20H11, in solid para-hydrogen and their relationship to interstellar unidentified infrared bands”
  • 2018.7.8-13Chemistry and Physics at Low Temperatures (CPLT 2018) @ Laramie, Wyoming, USA​
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Infrared spectroscopy of free radicals and protonated species isolated in solid para-hydrogen” (invited talk) (Pimentel Prize)
    2. K. A. Haupa, “Tunneling reactions of hydrogen-atoms in solid para-hydrogen”​
    3. A. Chakraborty, “Formation and infrared identification of protonated fluoranthene isomers (3-, 9-, and 10-C16H11+) in solid para-H2″
    4. H.-R. Tsai, “Infrared spectra of BrC2H4, IC2H4, and IC6H6 in solid p-H2”
  • 2018.6.18-2273rd International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaing-Urbana, Illinois, USA​
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Explorations of infrared spectra of Criegee intermediates and their reactions” (plenary talk)
    2. P.-L. Luo, “High resolution spectra of the simplest Criegee intermediate CH2OO between 880 and 932 cm−1”
    3. T.-Y. Chen, “Infrared emission from UV-irradiated mixtures of CH2I2 and O2 probed with a step-scan FTIR spectrometer”
    4. W.-C. Liang, “Infrared spectrum of chloromethyl hydroperoxide CH2CLOOH produced from reaction of the Criegee intermediate CH2OO with HCL”
    5. Y.-H. Chen, “Infrared spectra of C2H4Br and C2H4I in solid para-hydrogen: bridged or open structure?”
  • 2018.3.9-10The 2nd Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy @ NCU, Taiwan
    1. P. Sundararajan, “Infrared spectra of protonated and hydrogenated corannulene (C20H10) using matrix isolation in solid para-Hydrogen” (outstanding oral award)
    2. K. A. Haupa, “Hydrogen abstraction from methyl formate by H-atom. Infrared absorption spectra of ×COOCH3 radical isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
    3. P.-L. Luo, “High-resolution spectra of the simplest Criegee intermediate CH2OO between 880 and 932 cm-1” (outstanding oral award)
    4. W. C. Liang, “Reaction of the Criegee intermediate CH2OO with HCl investigated with a Step-scan Fourier-transform spectrometer”
  • 2017.12.1-22017中國化學年會 @嘉義大學
    1. W.-C. Liang, “The reaction of the Criegee intermediate CH2OO with HCl investigated with a step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform spectrometer”
    2. Y.-H. Chen, “Infrared spectra of protonated aniline in solid para-hydrogen”
    3. Y.-Y. Wang, “HCl formation in the reaction of Cl atom with propene investigated with step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy”
    4. P. Sundararajan, “Infrared spectra of protonated and hydrogenated phenol (H+C6H5OH & HC6H5OH) using para-hydrogen matrix-isolation technique”
  • 2017.9.3-6The 6th Asian Spectroscopy Conference @ NTHU, Taiwan
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Recent advances of matrix-isolation spectroscopy using para-hydrogen” (plenary talk)
    2. Y.-H. Chen, “Infrared spectra of protonated aniline in solid para-hyfrogen”
    3. P. Sundararajan, “Infrared spectra of protonated and hydrogenated phenol (H+C6H5OH & HC6H5OH) using para‐hydrogen matrix‐isolation technique” (Oral Presentation Award)
  • 2017.8.27-9.134st International Symposium on Free Radicals @ Hayama, Japan
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Exploring reactions of Criegee intermediate CH2OO using a step-scan FTIR spectrometer” (invited talk)
    2. K. A. Haupa, “Infrared absorption spectra of partially deuterated methoxy radicals CH2DO and CHD2O isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
  • 2017.6.19-2372nd International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaing-Urbana, Illinois, USA​
    1. K. A. Haupa, “Infrared spectrum of N-oxidohydroxylamine [×ONH(OH)] produced in reaction H + HONO in solid para-hydrogen”
    2. C.-Y. Tseng, “Infrared spectra of protonated quinoline (1-C9H7NH+) in solid para-hydrogen”
    3. J. C. Amicangelo, “Infrared spectra of the 1-chloromethyl-1-methylallyl and 1-chloromethyl-2-methylallyl radicals isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
    4. G. T. Pullen, “Infrared spectra of the N-propyl and I-propyl radicals in solid para-hydrogen”
  • 2017.5.20-211st Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Kyoto, Japan
    1. J.-W. Su, “Infrared absorption spectrum of hydroperoxymethyl formate [HC(O)OCH2OOH] produced in the reaction of the Criegee intermediate CH2OO with HCOOH”
    2. Y.-H. Chen, “Infrared spectra of protonated aniline in solid para-hydrogen”
  • 2017.1.23-26Ices in the Solar System @ Madrid, Spain
    1. K. A. Haupa, “Spectral studies on the reaction H + HONO in solid para-hydrogen: infrared identification of hydroxyl nitroxide HON(O)H”
  • 2016.12.3-42016中國化學年會 @中興大學
    1. Y.-F. Lee, “Infrared absorption of methanol-water clusters Mn(H2O), n = 1–4, recorded with the VUV-ionization/IR-depletion techniques”
    2. C.-Y. Tseng, “Infrared spectra of protonated quinolone and isoquinoline in solid para-hydrogen”
    3. J.-W. Su, “The reaction of the Criegee intermediate CH2OO with HCOOH investigated with a step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform spectrometer”
  • 2016.10.19-21Workshop on Interstellar Matter 2016 @ Sapporo, Japan
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Investigations on IR spectra of astronomically important species using the para-hydrogen matrix-isolation technique” (invited talk)
    2. M. Tsuge,  “Infrared spectra of potential interstellar molecules: protonated PANH and OCS”
  • 2016.6.20-2471st International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaing-Urbana, Illinois, USA​
    1. Y.-P. Lee, “Infrared identification of the Criegee intermediate (CH3)2COO”
    2. Y.-F. Lee, “Infrared absorption of methanol-water clusters Mn(H2O), n = 1-4, recorded with the VUV-ionization/IR-depletion techniques”