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- 2025.3.7-9:2025化學會年會 @靜宜大學
- 2024.9.11-14:The 8th Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Jilin, China
- 2024.7.6-11:Chemistry and Physics at Low Temperatures 2024 @ Sapporo, Japan
- Y.-P. Lee, “Applications of para-hydrogen matrix spectroscopy”
- P. R. Joshi, “Identification of HOC•HC(O)NH2 intermediate in the reaction of H + glycolamide in solid para-hydrogen and its implications in astrochemistry”
- K.-J. Yu, “Infrared spectra of isomers of hydrogenated acenaphthylene isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- I. Weber, “Electronic spectroscopy of protonated and hydrogenated coronene in solid para-hydrogen”,
- 2024.6.17-21:77th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaign, USA
- Y.-P. Lee, “Identification of HOC·HC(O)H, HOCH2C·O, and HOCH2CH2O· intermediates in the reaction of H + glycolaldehyde in solid para-hydrogen and its implication to interstellar formation of complex sugars”
- P.-J. Chen, “Electronic spectroscopy of protonated and hydrogenated quinoline isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- Y.-S. Chung, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenanthridine isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- Y.-L. Hsiao, “Spectral studies of the reaction of the Criegee intermediate methyl vinyl ketone oxide (MVKO) with HCOOH using a step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectrometer”
- T.-Y. Kuo, “Rate coefficients of syn-/anti– CH3CHOO and methacrolein oxide [macro, CH2C(CH3)CHOO ] with HCL and CH3CHI with O2 investigated with an IR/UV dual laser absorption system”
- I. Weber, “The missing S1 and reassingned S2 states of ovalene: Electronic spectroscopy in solid para-hydrogen”
- C.-K. Chen, “Electronic spectra of protonated and hydrogenated isoquinoline isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- J.-Y. Fneg, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenanthrene isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- C.-H. Chang, “Microwave identification of key intermediates in venus atmosphere: CLCO and CLC(O)OO”
- 2023.11.8-10:Workshop on Interstellar Matter 2023, Sapporo, Japan
- I. Weber, “Electronic spectroscopy of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in solid para-hydrogen”
- Y.-S. Chung, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenanthridine isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- 2023.11.5-8:7th Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy, Sapporo, Japan
- I. Weber, “The missing S1 state of ovalene: Electronic spectroscopy in solid para-hydrogen” (Jon Hougen Prize)
- Y.-S. Chung, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenanthridine isolated in solid para-hydrogen” (Li-Hong Xu Award (Poster))
- J.-Y. Hsu, “Spectral studies of the reaction of the Criegee intermediate methyl vinyl ketone oxide with HC(O)OH using a step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectrometer”
- K.-H. Hung, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenol isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- C.-H. Chang, “Rotational spectrum of ClSO radical”
- 2023.9.17-23:WE-Heraeus-Seminar on “Solvation Chemistry and Reactive Molecules”, Bad Honnef, Germany
- Y.-P. Lee, “Reactive molecules investigated with para-hydrogen infrared matrix spectroscopy” (invited talk)
- J.-Y. Feng, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenanthrene isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- 2023.9.4-7:8th Asian Spectroscopy Conference, Niigata, Japan
- Y.-P. Lee, “Spectroscopy of reactive species of importance in atmospheric chemistry and astrochemistry” (plenary talk)
- 2023.8.10:The 3rd Workshop on Frontier Investigations of Key Species in Atmospheric Chemistry and Astrochemistry @陽明交通大學
- T. Ebata, “Magic number observed in the mass spectra of H+(pyrazine)m (H2O)n and H+(pyridine)m (H2O)n clusters”
- J.-Y. Feng, “Infrared spectra of isomers of protonated and hydrogenated phenanthrene isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- I. Weber, “Electronic spectroscopy of ovalene isolated in solid para-hydrogen: Finding the missing S1 state” (Best Oral Presentation Award)
- C.-A. Chung, “Rate coefficient of syn-CH3CHOO with HCl and the rate coefficient of CH3CHI + O2 investigated with a quantum cascade laser system”
- C.-I Huang, “Structures and anharmonic analyses of the O−H stretching vibrations of jet-cooled (benzoic acid)m=1,2(H2O)n=0-2 and (benzoic acid-d5)m=1,2(H2O)n=0-2 – unraveling the complex anharmonic couplings in the cyclic clusters”
- M.-L. Yang, “Infrared spectra of various isomers of hydrogenated phenanthridine (HC13H9N) isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- C.-K. Chen, “Electronic spectra of quinoline and isoquinoline isolated in solid para-hydrogen” (Outstanding Poster Award)
- 2023.7.3-5:Physical Chemistry Symposium 2023 @ Bangalore, India
- B. Behera, “Detailed mechanism and kinetics of reactions of anti– and syn-CH3CHOO with HC(O)OH: Infrared spectra of conformers of hydroperoxyethyl formate”
- 2023.6.19-23:76th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaign, USA
- Y.-P. Lee, “Spectral studies of the reaction of the Criegee intermediate CH3CHOO with HCL using a step-scan Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectrometer”
- P. R. Joshi, “Production of Ca-alanyl radical and vinylamine in the reaction H + a-alanine in solid p-H2 and its implications in astrochemistry”
- I. Weber, “Electronic spectra of peri-hexabenzocoronene and ovalene isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- C.-I Huang, “IR spectra of benzoic acid-water clusters in a supersonic jet using VUV ionization detection”
- Y.-T. Liu, “The Criegee intermediate-acetic acid reaction explored by Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy”
- C.-H. Chang, “Pure rotational spectra of ethoxy radical”
- 2022.11.3-4:The 6th Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Taipei, Taiwan
- I. Weber, “Electronic spectroscopy of PAH isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- P. R. Joshi, “Production of isoquinolinium (iso-C9H7NH+) and isoquinolinyl radical (iso-C9H7NH, 1-iso-HC9H7N, and 3- to 8-iso-HC9H7N in solid para-hydrogen”
- B. Behera, “Infrared characterization of the intermediates and products of the reaction between methyl-substituted Criegee intermediate CH3CHOO and HC(O)OH”
- C.-A. Chung, “Rate coefficient of methyl vinyl ketone oxide + HCl investigated with a quantum cascade laser absorption system”
- J.-Y. Feng, “Infrared spectra and structures of supersonically cooled (pyrazine)2 and (pyrazine)m−(H2O)n clusters studied with IR-VUV spectroscopy”
- C.-I Huang, “IR spectroscopy of the C−H stretching region of mono-substituted benzenes cooled in a supersonic jet and the anharmonic analysis”
- C.-K. Chen, “Reaction dynamics of (CH3)2CI + O2 studied with step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy”
- 2022.7.3-7:Chemistry and Physics at Low Temperatures (CPLT 2022) @ Visegrád, Hungar (mixed)
- Y.-P. Lee, “Applications of para-hydrogen: hydrogen-addition/hydrogen-abstraction reactions and their implications in astrochemistry” (invited talk)
- P. R. Joshi, A chemical link between methylamine (CH3NH2) and methylene imine (CH2NH): Infrared identification of aminomethyl radical (•CH2NH2) and implications for interstellar glycine formation
- J. C. Amicangelo, Infrared Spectra of the 2,3-Dihydropyrrol-2-yl and 2,3-Dihydropyrrol-3-yl Radicals Isolated in Solid para-Hydrogen
- 2022.6.20-24:75th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaing-Urbana, USA (mixed)
- Y.-P. Lee, “Formation reaction mechanism and infrared spectra of Criegee intermediate anti–trans-methacrolein oxide [CH2C(CH3)CHOO] and its associated precursor and adduct radicals”
- P. R. Joshi, “Production of •CH2NH2 and CH2NH in the reactions of methylamine (CH3NH2) with •H or •OH in solid p-H2 and its implication in astrochemistry”
- B. Behera, “Mechanism and kinetics of the reaction of Criegee intermediate CH2OO with acetic acid studied with a step-scan fourier-transform IR spectrometer”
- 2021.9.9:The 2nd Workshop on Frontier Investigations of Key Species in Atmospheric Chemistry and Astrochemistry @陽明交通大學
- C.-A. Chung, “Mid-IR spectra and kinetic studies of Criegee intermediates investigated with quantum cascade lasers coupled with a Herriott cell”
- P. R. Joshi, “Production of CD2NH2, CD2NH, CD2NCl, and CD2HNH2 in the reaction H + methyl amine-d3 (CD3NH2) in solid p-H2 and its implication in astrochemistry”
- B. Behera, “Infrared detection of CH3CHOO and CH3CHIOO intermediates in the reaction of CH3CHI + O2 and the pressure dependence of the yield of CH3CHOO”
- Y.-T. Ji, “Reaction dynamic of CH3CHI + O2 studied with step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy” (Outstanding Poster Award)
- J.-Y. Feng, “VUV Photoionization-Induced Chemical Reactions in Pyridine Clusters Revealed by IR Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry” (Outstanding Poster Award)
- 2021.6.21-25:2021 International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaing-Urbana, USA (online)
- Y.-P. Lee, “Infrared spectra of gaseous (Z)-3-IODO-BUT-2-EN-1-YL [C2H3C(CH3)I] radical, methyl vinyl ketone oxide [C2H3C(CH3)OO] Criegee intermediate, and C2H3CI(CH3)OO peroxy radical produced upon photodissociation of (Z)-1,3-DIIODO-BUT-2-ENE [(CH2I)HC=C(CH3)I] in oxygen”
- P. R. Joshi, “Production of HOCH2CO, HOCHCHO, and HOCHCO in the reaction H + glycolaldehyde (HOCH2CHO) in solid p-H2 and its implication in astrochemistry”
- 2021.3.12-14:2021中國化學會年會 @中央大學
- Y.-T. Ji, “Reaction dynamic of CH3CHI + O2 studied with step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy”
- J.-R. Cai, “Infrared absorption spectra of (CHI)C(CH3)CH2 radical and Criegee intermediate CH2C(CH3)CHOO recorded with a step-scan FTIR spectrometer”
- J.-Y. Feng, “Infrared spectra and structures of supersonically cooled (Pyridine)m, (Pyridine)m −(NH3)n and (Pyridine)m−(H2O)n clusters studied by IR-VUV spectroscopy”
- J.-H. Su, “Infrared spectra of (E)-and (Z)-3-iodo-2-methyl-1-yl [·CH2(CH3)C=CHI] radicals produced upon photodissociation of 1,3-diiodo-2-methyl-1-propene [ICH2(CH3)C=CHI] in solid para-Hydrogen”
- 2021.3.9-10:The 5th Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy (AWMS 2021) @同步輻射研究中心 (online)
- P. R. Joshi, “Production of ·CH2NH2, CH2NH, HCN, and CN in the reaction H + methyl amine (CH3NH2) in solid p-H2 and its implication in astrochemistry”
- Y.-T. Ji, “Reaction dynamic of CH3CHI + O2 studied with step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy” (Best Oral Presentation Award)
- B. Behera, “Mechanism and kinetics of the reaction of Criegee intermediate CH2OO with CH3COOH studied with time-resolved Fourier-transform IR spectroscopy”
- J.-R. Cai, “Infrared absorption spectra of (CHI)C(CH3)CH2 radical and Criegee intermediate CH2C(CH3)CHOO recorded with a step-scan FTIR spectrometer” (Poster Presentation Award)
- C.-A. Chung, “High-resolution vibration–rotational spectra of the CO-stretching/CH2-bending (v4) band of CH2OO between 1262.6 and 1335.1 cm–1″ (Best Oral Presentation Award)
- J.-Y. Feng, “Infrared spectra and structures of supersonically cooled (Pyridine)m, (Pyridine)m −(NH3)n and (Pyridine)m−(H2O)n clusters studied by IR-VUV spectroscopy”
- T. Ebata, “Structures of neutral and cationic clusters of pyridine studied by IR-VUV and VUV-IR spectroscopy”
- J.-H. Su, “Infrared spectra of (E)-and (Z)-3-iodo-2-methyl-1-yl [·CH2(CH3)C=CHI] radicals produced upon photodissociation of 1,3-diiodo-2-methyl-1-propene [ICH2(CH3)C=CHI] in solid para-Hydrogen” (Poster Presentation Award)
- 2021.1.21:The 1st Workshop on Frontier Investigations of Key Species in Atmospheric Chemistry and Astrochemistry @中央研究院 原分所
- Y.-P. Lee, ”Frontier investigations of key species in atmospheric chemistry and astrochemistry” (invited talk)
- T. Ebata, “IR spectroscopic study of neutral and cationic clusters of pyridine in the gas phase”
- B. Behera, “Mechanism and kinetics of the reaction of Criegee intermediate CH2OO with CH3COOH studied with time resolved Fourier-transform IR spectroscopy”
- Y.-T. Ji, “Reaction dynamic of CH3CHI + O2 studied with step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy”
- C.-A. Chung, “Infrared spectrum and kinetics of methyl vinyl ketone oxide (MVKO) investigated with a quantum cascade laser system”
- J.-R. Cai, “Infrared absorption spectra of (CHI)C(CH3)CH2 radical and Criegee intermediate CH2C(CH3)CHOO recorded with a step-scan FTIR spectrometer”
- I. Weber, “Laser-induced fluorescence of 1-hydrogenated naphthalene (1-C10H9) in solid para-hydrogen”
- J.-H. Su, “Infrared spectra of (E)-and (Z)-3-iodo-2-methyl-1-yl [•CH2(CH3)C=CHI] radicals produced upon photodissociation of 1,3-diiodo-2-methyl-1-propene [ICH2(CH3)C=CHI] in solid para-Hydrogen”
- P. R. Joshi, “Production of •CH2NH2, CH2NH, HCN, and CN in the reaction H + methyl amine (CH3NH2) in solid p-H2 and its implication in astrochemistry” (Outstanding Poster Award)
- J.-Y. Feng, “Infrared spectra and structures of supersonically cooled (Pyridine)m, (Pyridine)m−(NH3)n and (Pyridine)m −(H2O)n clusters studied by IR-VUV spectroscopy” (Outstanding Poster Award)
- 2020.8.21-22:2020 Summer Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy in Taiwan @台灣大學
- Y.-P. Lee, “Spectroscopy of free radicals important in atmospheric chemistry or astrochemistry” (invited talk)
- P. R. Joshi, “Production of CH2COOH in the reaction H + acetic acid (CH3COOH) in solid p-H2 and its implication in astrochemistry”
- C.-A. Chung, “High-resolution vibration–rotational spectra of the CO-stretching/ CH2-bending (ν4) band of CH2OO between 1262.6 and 1335.1 cm–1”
- 2019.12.8-12:2019中國化學會年會暨第18屆亞洲化學大會(18th ACC) @台北國際會議中心
- S.-Y. Tsai, “Reaction of hydrogen atoms with N-methyl formamide HC(O)NH(CH3) in solid para-H2 : Formation of ˙C(O)NH(CH3) and CH3NCO”
- 2019.8.26-30:26th Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy @ Dijon, France
- Y.-P. Lee, “Infrared spectra of free radicals and protonated species isolated in solid para-hydrogen” (plenary talk)
- 2019.6.17-21:74th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaing-Urbana, Illinois, USA
- Y.-P. Lee, “Infrared spectrum of (Z)-3-IODO-BUT-2-EN-1-YL [·CH2CHC(CH3)I] produced upon photodissociation of (Z)-1,3-DIIODO-BUT-2-ENE [(CH2I)HC = C(CH3)I] in solid para-hydrogen”
- K. A. Haupa, “Applications of H-atom quantum-diffusion reactions in solid para-hydrogen to astrochemical studies: finding a mysterious link between interstellar isocyanic acid [HNCO] and formamide [H2NC(O)H]”
- C.-A. Chung, “The reaction of CH2OO with HNO3 investigated with a step-scan FTIR spectrometer”
- 2019.3.7-9:The 3rd Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Hefei, China
- H.-R. Tsai, “Infrared spectra of BrC6H6 in solid p-H2″
- Y.-H. Tsao, “HCl formation in the reaction of Cl atom with trans-2-butene probed with step-scan time-resolved fourier-transform IR emission spectroscopy”
- 2018.12.16-20:10th Asian Photochemistry Conference @ Taipei, Taiwan
- Y.-P. Lee, “Spectroscopy, kinetics, and dynamics of free radicals that are important in atmospheric, combustion, and astronomical chemist” (Award lecture)
- Y.-Y. Wang, “HCl formation in the reaction of Cl atom with propene and cis-2-butene investigated with step-scan time-resolved fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy”
- K. A. Haupa, “Tunneling reactions of hydrogen-atoms in solid para-hydrogen”
- C.-A. Chung, “The reaction of CH2OO with HNO3 investigated with a step-scan FTIR spectrometer”
- 2018.11.14-16:Workshop on Interstellar Matter 2018 (ISM2018) @ Sapporo, Japan
- Y.-P. Lee, “Infrared spectra of protonated and hydrogenated corannulene, C20H11+ and C20H11, in solid para-hydrogen and their relationship to interstellar unidentified infrared bands”
- 2018.7.8-13:Chemistry and Physics at Low Temperatures (CPLT 2018) @ Laramie, Wyoming, USA
- Y.-P. Lee, “Infrared spectroscopy of free radicals and protonated species isolated in solid para-hydrogen” (invited talk) (Pimentel Prize)
- K. A. Haupa, “Tunneling reactions of hydrogen-atoms in solid para-hydrogen”
- A. Chakraborty, “Formation and infrared identification of protonated fluoranthene isomers (3-, 9-, and 10-C16H11+) in solid para-H2″
- H.-R. Tsai, “Infrared spectra of BrC2H4, IC2H4, and IC6H6 in solid p-H2”
- 2018.6.18-22:73rd International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaing-Urbana, Illinois, USA
- Y.-P. Lee, “Explorations of infrared spectra of Criegee intermediates and their reactions” (plenary talk)
- P.-L. Luo, “High resolution spectra of the simplest Criegee intermediate CH2OO between 880 and 932 cm−1”
- T.-Y. Chen, “Infrared emission from UV-irradiated mixtures of CH2I2 and O2 probed with a step-scan FTIR spectrometer”
- W.-C. Liang, “Infrared spectrum of chloromethyl hydroperoxide CH2CLOOH produced from reaction of the Criegee intermediate CH2OO with HCL”
- Y.-H. Chen, “Infrared spectra of C2H4Br and C2H4I in solid para-hydrogen: bridged or open structure?”
- 2018.3.9-10:The 2nd Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy @ NCU, Taiwan
- P. Sundararajan, “Infrared spectra of protonated and hydrogenated corannulene (C20H10) using matrix isolation in solid para-Hydrogen” (outstanding oral award)
- K. A. Haupa, “Hydrogen abstraction from methyl formate by H-atom. Infrared absorption spectra of ×COOCH3 radical isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- P.-L. Luo, “High-resolution spectra of the simplest Criegee intermediate CH2OO between 880 and 932 cm-1” (outstanding oral award)
- W. C. Liang, “Reaction of the Criegee intermediate CH2OO with HCl investigated with a Step-scan Fourier-transform spectrometer”
- 2017.12.1-2:2017中國化學年會 @嘉義大學
- W.-C. Liang, “The reaction of the Criegee intermediate CH2OO with HCl investigated with a step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform spectrometer”
- Y.-H. Chen, “Infrared spectra of protonated aniline in solid para-hydrogen”
- Y.-Y. Wang, “HCl formation in the reaction of Cl atom with propene investigated with step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy”
- P. Sundararajan, “Infrared spectra of protonated and hydrogenated phenol (H+C6H5OH & HC6H5OH) using para-hydrogen matrix-isolation technique”
- 2017.9.3-6:The 6th Asian Spectroscopy Conference @ NTHU, Taiwan
- Y.-P. Lee, “Recent advances of matrix-isolation spectroscopy using para-hydrogen” (plenary talk)
- Y.-H. Chen, “Infrared spectra of protonated aniline in solid para-hyfrogen”
- P. Sundararajan, “Infrared spectra of protonated and hydrogenated phenol (H+C6H5OH & HC6H5OH) using para‐hydrogen matrix‐isolation technique” (Oral Presentation Award)
- 2017.8.27-9.1:34st International Symposium on Free Radicals @ Hayama, Japan
- Y.-P. Lee, “Exploring reactions of Criegee intermediate CH2OO using a step-scan FTIR spectrometer” (invited talk)
- K. A. Haupa, “Infrared absorption spectra of partially deuterated methoxy radicals CH2DO and CHD2O isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- 2017.6.19-23:72nd International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaing-Urbana, Illinois, USA
- K. A. Haupa, “Infrared spectrum of N-oxidohydroxylamine [×ONH(OH)] produced in reaction H + HONO in solid para-hydrogen”
- C.-Y. Tseng, “Infrared spectra of protonated quinoline (1-C9H7NH+) in solid para-hydrogen”
- J. C. Amicangelo, “Infrared spectra of the 1-chloromethyl-1-methylallyl and 1-chloromethyl-2-methylallyl radicals isolated in solid para-hydrogen”
- G. T. Pullen, “Infrared spectra of the N-propyl and I-propyl radicals in solid para-hydrogen”
- 2017.5.20-21:1st Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Kyoto, Japan
- J.-W. Su, “Infrared absorption spectrum of hydroperoxymethyl formate [HC(O)OCH2OOH] produced in the reaction of the Criegee intermediate CH2OO with HCOOH”
- Y.-H. Chen, “Infrared spectra of protonated aniline in solid para-hydrogen”
- 2017.1.23-26:Ices in the Solar System @ Madrid, Spain
- K. A. Haupa, “Spectral studies on the reaction H + HONO in solid para-hydrogen: infrared identification of hydroxyl nitroxide HON(O)H”
- 2016.12.3-4:2016中國化學年會 @中興大學
- Y.-F. Lee, “Infrared absorption of methanol-water clusters Mn(H2O), n = 1–4, recorded with the VUV-ionization/IR-depletion techniques”
- C.-Y. Tseng, “Infrared spectra of protonated quinolone and isoquinoline in solid para-hydrogen”
- J.-W. Su, “The reaction of the Criegee intermediate CH2OO with HCOOH investigated with a step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform spectrometer”
- 2016.10.19-21:Workshop on Interstellar Matter 2016 @ Sapporo, Japan
- Y.-P. Lee, “Investigations on IR spectra of astronomically important species using the para-hydrogen matrix-isolation technique” (invited talk)
- M. Tsuge, “Infrared spectra of potential interstellar molecules: protonated PANH and OCS”
- 2016.6.20-24:71st International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy @ Champaing-Urbana, Illinois, USA
- Y.-P. Lee, “Infrared identification of the Criegee intermediate (CH3)2COO”
- Y.-F. Lee, “Infrared absorption of methanol-water clusters Mn(H2O), n = 1-4, recorded with the VUV-ionization/IR-depletion techniques”