Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics
教科書:Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics by Steinfeld, Francisco, and Hase, 2nd Ed. Prentics Hall (1999)
1. To understand fundamentals and applications of kinetics and dynamics.
2. Introduction of statistical methods for dynamics.
3. Through course instruction and exercises to build up clear concepts and to train independent thinking.
Homework, once every 2 weeks (20%)
Midterm, April 9 (Chapt. 1-3, 6, 7) (40%)
Final, June 4 (Chapt. 8-11) (40%)
Take-home assignment (10%)
參考書目:Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics by Paul L. Houston, Dover (2006)
★課程進度★ (實際內容以上課公布為主)
2024-02-20(二) Introduction
2024-02-27(二) Basic Concepts of Kinetics (1)
2024-03-05(二) Complex Reactions (2.1-2.3)
2024-03-12(二) Complex Reactions (2.4-2.7)
2024-03-19(二) Kinetic Measurements (3.1-3.3)
2024-03-26(二) From Macroscopic to Microscopic (6)
2024-04-02(二) Potential Energy Surfaces (7)
2024-04-09(二) Midterm
2024-04-16(二) Bimolecular Collisions (8.1-8.2)
2024-04-23(二) Bimolecular Collisions (8.3)
2024-04-30(二) Experimental Techniques in Dynamics (9.1-9.5)
2024-05-07(二) Transition State Theory (10.1-10.6)
2024-05-14(二) Transition State Theory (10.7-10.10)
2024-05-21(二) Unimolecular Reaction Dynamics (11.1-11.7)
2024-05-28(二) Unimolecular Reaction Dynamics (11.8-11.14)
2024-06-04(二) Final